Here’s what i do

Digital marketing

Digital First

I work with small and medium sized businesses that know that to grow, they need a digital, social strategy, but aren’t sure where to start.

Social media

Social media management can be a real headache for organisations, especially if you don’t have a dedicated, experienced resource. Let me help.


Blog posts

Keep people engaged with well researched and keyword optimised blog posts in topics relevant to your organisation’s goals.

Creative copywriting

Refreshing your site, or sending out emails but find yourself stuck? Work with me to get the right words in the right place, at the right time.


Content strategy

Take the stress out of content planning as we sit down together to map out what you need.

Proofing and editing

Two heads are better than one, and four eyes are better than two. I’ll proof your writing and make it shine.

SEO strategy

Tidy up your website and make sure you’re ahead of the competition.

Events livetweeted

Social profiles


Cans of Red Bull

Make Your online presence a Priority.

I certainly will.

Grow your social presence

Whether you have no social media presence at all, or you have one but you’re not sure what to do with it, I can help.

Increase conversions

Turn prospects into customers with copy that converts. We’ll work together to get your website sounding sharp and ranking high.

Get the results you need

It’s tempting to focus on getting your follower numbers up, or a huge jump in web traffic, but I can help you find the numbers that will make a difference to your business – and how to hit them.

Take your online presence from so-so to spot on, and turn your followers into customers


We recently ran an event in Scotland for nearly 1,000 people and didn’t even think about how we could market the event and promote on social media. We had a chat with Christine and from the moment we had that conversation we knew we needed to have her involved. She was involved in many aspects from sponsor emails, event promotion, policy statement & social media. We would have plans to use Christine at any event that we are running as she made the marketing side of our event run like clockwork. It is a testament to the great job that she done that we trended on social media in the UK – This was all down to the fantastic job Christine done.

Mark Christie, Organiser of Scottish Summit

Christine is a brilliant marketer to work with. She’s incredibly in the know about industry trends and the latest marketing best practices, so she’s a real asset to any business keen to try out new things in order to stand out. Her skills sets are also really broad meaning she’s able to manage end-to-end campaigns without any problems. I would highly recommend working with her!

Katie Paterson, Head of Content at Firefish Software

Let’s TALK

Fill out the form, or email me directly at

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