I’m christine

A digital marketer

My Services

Social media

Social media management can be a real headache for organisations, especially if you don’t have a dedicated, experienced resource. Let me help.


Blog posts

Keep people engaged with well researched and keyword optimised blog posts in topics relevant to your organisation’s goals.

Creative copywriting

Refreshing your site, or sending out emails but find yourself stuck? Work with me to get the right words in the right place, at the right time.


Content strategy

Take the stress out of content planning as we sit down together to map out what you need.

Proofing and editing

Two heads are better than one, and four eyes are better than two. I’ll proof your writing and make it shine.

SEO strategy

Tidy up your website and make sure you’re ahead of the competition.

About Me

I’m a Glasgow based digital marketer with seven years’ experience, and I’ve worked with clients in sectors such as tech, events, recruitment and retail. I have a strong focus on social media, blogging, and email marketing to support sales and engagement, but my biggest thrill comes when I get to work with clients end to end. Give me a shout and talk to me about the challenges your organisation is facing, and we can find the best way forward for you.


Let’s TALK

Fill out the form, or email me directly at hello@christinestarkmarketing.com

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